Friday, 1 August 2014

Disk Defragment

What is disk defragmentation?

                  Disk defragmentation is the process of consolidating fragmented data on a volume(such as a hard disk or a storage device) so it will work more efficiently.

                  Fragmentation happens to a volume over time as you save, change, or delete files. The change that you save to a file are often stored in a place in the volume than the original file. this doesn't change where the file appears in windows only where the bits of information that make up the file are stored on the actual volume itself become fragmented, and your computer slows down as it has to look in different places to open a single file.

                 Disk defragmenter is a tool that rearranges the data on your volume and reunites fragmented data so your computer can run more efficiently, In this version of windows, Disk defragmenter runs on a schedule so your don't have to remember to run it, although you can still run it manually or change the schedule it uses.

Step by step procedure

Step 1: Uninstall any programs you don't use or need. It's best uninstall programs prior to a defragmentation, as the newly-acquired free space will generally be located all over the hard drive, thereby giving rise to fragmentation.

Step 2: Make sure the all unnecessary programs are closed.

Step 3: Cancel any programs that are scheduled to run. If you have not manually scheduled any programs to run, the skip this step.

Step 4: Delete any temporary files. This is done by running disk cleanup. To run the programs, go to:
START -> Run, and the cleanmgr in the window.

Step 5: Run the Disk Defragmented programs. Go to START - Run, and enter dfrg.msc in the window. A window that is similar to the one below should appear:


  •   Select the particular disk.
  •   Click to analyze button
  •   Analyze the disk drives
  •   After, Click to defragment button
  •   Automatically rearrange the disks.


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