Tuesday 11 October 2016

YII framework installation on xampp

Step 1:

First install the xampp(any kind of version)

Step 2:

apache and mysql service start in xampp manager


Set the PHP path in environment variable in management settings

(Select computer properties → select advanced tab→ select environment variables)

Step 4:

Down load the yii framework in yiiframework.com and rename the folder name is yii

Step 5:

Copy from yii folder to htdocs folder and give full rights

Step 6:

Open the command prompt and check command php.exe -v

Step 7:

Change the folder destination to c:\xampp\htdocs>

Step 8:

Now execute command is php.exe yii/framework/yiic.php webapp C:\xampp\htdocs\yii-app

step 9:

Now check the local host to http://localhost/yii-app

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