Thursday, 26 July 2018

How to clear DNS or ISP cache and Browsing cache

What is Cache?

Caching is used widely across the Internet to cut down the amount of time it takes to request information. It works by keeping a temporary copy of information that has been requested locally for a defined amount of time.

The most common forms of caching web pages occur with your web browser and with your Internet Service Provider (ISP, such as Verizon, AOL, Earthlink, etc.). Most web browsers cache pages when you visit a web site so that the next time you go to that page it appears to load faster, because it is using a local copy rather than requesting a new copy be sent across the Internet.

Step 1:

Clear your browser history, cookies, cache and other details

Step 2:

open command promt using administrator rights and type and enter following


c:\>ipconfig /flushdns

Step 3:

Open services.msc using run prompt

select DNS client service and restart the services

Step 4:

Change your DNS address and If you are using static address try to change DHCP

Step 5:

Finally, these steps are not supporting your problem try to change another ISP and

then access.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

How to use MAC supported disk in Windows

Normally MAC supported format is HFS (Hierarchical File system) this type of format is not support for windows system. So we going to see how to use HFS disk in windows

Method 1: Apple HFS Driver

step 1:

Download the apple hfs driver package

Step 2:

Copy the AppleHFS.sys and AppleMNT.sys file to windows driver location.


Step 3:

Merge the HFS registry file(Add_AppleHFS.reg) with your windows registry

Step 4:

Restart your system

Method 2: HFS Explorer

Step 1:

Download HFS explorer tool or download the file using following link

Step 2:

We need to set java environment path. If you want clarification about java environment setting use the following link.

Step 3:

Install the HFS explorer and open the explorer

Step 4:

Click the file option and load file system from device option in file menu
Then it's automatically located the HFS Drive

Method 3: MAC DRIVE

Step 1:

Download the MacDrive tool

Step 2:

Select Access mac disk option in Home page

Step 3:

You can access HFS disk with full rights

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Get Free Antivirus for One Year

Kaspersky free antivirus

Step 1:

Go to the offical site for kaspersky

Step 2:

Click the downlaod now button and select language and click download now

Step 3:

Once download completed, run and install the exe file

Step 4:

After complete the installation you need to login the kaspersky account.
so you have to create kaspersky account or link with your facebook account

Step 5:

Once completed the login process you will get one year subscription for kaspersky free antivirus

Avast Free Antivirus

Step 1:

Go to the offical site for avast

Step 2:

Same as the procedure download and account creation

Step 3:

Once completed the login process you will get one year subscription for Avastfree antivirus

(If you have any doubts or queries comment below)

Activation for Microsoft Office

Step 1:

Run command prompt as administrator rights

Step 2:

Locate the microsoft office path

cd c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15

Step 3: 

After enter the pathu use the following command

You copy this code to cmd and enter :

(If you haven't a key just try to search or buy your office license key)

Step 4:

Once its completed successfully and enter the following commands

cscript OSPP.VBS /

Step 5:

Finally activate the script. just enter the following commands

cscript OSPP.VBS /act

Activation Method 2

Step 1:

Go to the following link

Step 2:

Download the activation tool using link

Step 3:

Extract the rar folder and open the file

Step 4:

Select the activation button and click activate office

Step 5:

Enjoy full version of office.

(If you have any doubts enter your comments below)